01. Project management

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.

Description of the work process of the week 01

One of the tasks for this first week was the design and implementation of our website, supported by the git tool.

At first it was difficult for me, because I had never used this type of tools, but with the help of the teachers I resolved my doubts and I was able to start working on creating the website.The first step to create my page was to clone the repository, then I began to edit it using Visual Studio, a template that I found among the options that our instructors gave us.

I started from the web template provided to us and after cloning it I put it in my local folder through git bash. I searched for visual estudio on the web and downloaded it; this source code editor provided me with tools to be able to work with html. When you enter for the first time to this editor you will find it empty and in the upper bar in the drop down menu you can find the option open and you can open the folder to edit.

Once inside the folder you will start with the creation or edition of the HTML code (hypertext markup language;Language that allows to structure a web page) by means of tags.

Another part of the programming is the CSS tool (cascading style sheets), this tool allows us to edit the presentation of our website and have different styles. Within this part you can find colors, fonts and styles.

reflection and analysis

It's still complicated but I think I've learned a lot it was easier for me to start thanks to the template that they provided us. Where the first thing that was done was clone the repository to be able to work on the code in which all the changes were made from colors, images, typography, relevant information and others. modifications to taste. To do this ,i relied on software called "VisualEstudio", with this tool i was able to modify the teplate.

To save changes and upload them to cloud, which we will be doing throughout fab academy. The first thing to do is: Open git bash, a black screen will appear in which you must write the path where our repository is located. Second, you have to write the git status commands, this will allow us to see the status of the changes we have made. Third git add all, which adds the changes so that the online repository is uploaded Fourth git commit -m “update name”,Finally, git push, the latter allows us to send all the changes. It is important to create a token and be aware of the expiration of the access token, since its expiration will not allow us to have access to our git account, preventing us from making changes to the online repository. If it expires, it will not allow us to send to the cloud. .

I leave an imagen that allows me to follow the steps unitil i learn it by heart.

Useful links
